When its comes to washing our hair, we must at least spend 30 min to 1 hour in the bathroom. In that tine, at least two of the instruction's below must apply to your daily or twice a week hair care routine. To obtain strong and healthy hair its a must be done.
1) Pre-Shampoo equal pre-wash. Use our organic natural handmade hair shampoo on a wet hair before using your everyday or weekly shampoo. Massage it gently until its dissolve into the hair. After five or more minutes, rinse with cold or look-warm water and follow up the next step with your usual shampoo.
2) Shampoo: mean wash. This step you can follow your usual shampooing routine.
3) Conditioner & detangling. Use Our Brand conditioner or your usual conditioner to finish this step. Gently detangles your hair and you must first apply the conditioner to hair body only, since the scalp like to hold exceed oil we can prevent that from happing when not apply the conditioner to the scalp.
4) And not last, hair rinse. For a shiny after look. Here we provide you all the products that's require to complete those hair routine steps. For a shiny look and stronger hair. Use our brand hair rinse on cold or look-warm water. Take three tbsp. of the hair rinse, then add it to three cups of look-warm or cold. Dissolve and gently rinse your hair with it. And lastly, put a few of our brand regrowth oil on your scalp and massage it gently, you can also use it warm if please.
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